

Blind Tiger provides an introduction to storytelling and offers strategies on how to discover and effectively share your unique stories.
Individually tailored workshops focus on team building, leadership skills and how to connect with audiences of all sizes.



In far too many corporate settings blending in becomes the norm – but actually, you were hired to stand out. Showing your stripes takes courage and also some strategy. Our corporate storytelling workshops and retreats will give you both.

Discover and develop the stories that align and resonate with your mission, project, purpose or campaign. Build confidence, connection, and improved presentation and networking skills.


Tigers aren’t the cats that roar the loudest – their roars are less overwhelming and more like a well-crafted sentence of clear and concise direction.

So, let’s start roaring like tigers. Our non-profit storytelling workshops and retreats will help your fundraising team, board of directors and devoted volunteers design and deliver their personal stories to raise awareness and revenue for your organization.

Camp & Classroom

Tigers might not be able to change their stripes – and maybe they don’t have to. Truth is, all tiger stripes are unique - no two have the same pattern. Just like our stories.  

Camp & Classroom collaborates with youth organizations  to help children ages 6 through18 find their voices and confidently connect with others.  


Many cultures consider the tiger to be a symbol of strength and courage.  This is totally true.

It's also true that we all have an inner tiger. When it's time to let yours out while giving that important toast, talk or presentation, do so with the confidence and conviction you'll build through personal coaching sessions with Blind Tiger Tellers.
